Ompong Plaza flies Abroad

May 2013 election

Leaving the country without any clarification to the issues threw to a person might an indication of guilt.

According to the Bureau of Immigration's (BI's) information there were two solons linked to the PDAF scam have silently slipped out of the country. And one of them, was the former Congressman and once a Governor of Agusan del Sur, Rodolfo "Ompong" Plaza, last September 11 via Cebu Pacific 5J108.  The aircraft also flies the Manila-Hong Kong route.

The other one was Ruby Tuason, who left the country last August 26 via Cathay Pacific Airways flight CX906. No mention of Tuasons' destination but in a website, showed that the flight regularly departs for Hong Kong.

Ompong Plaza consumed 81.5 million of his pork barrel on Napoles' fake NGOs. And one of the Top 5  among all lawmakers linked to PDAF scam that has the biggest pork barrel ingested on the NGOs.

Some netizens asks what does it mean? The two might see each other in Hong Kong? Do they go there just to buy things just like any other rich pinoys? Or maybe, just to avoid of the punishments that might be given to them?

We don't know, me either. What do you think? What is/are their reason/s in getting out of the country?

What's on your mind? Share it here!

Last May 2013 election

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